Thursday, February 21, 2013

The weird weather.

You know those days you wake up check the weather it says it is 35 degrees outside. So you get dressed in your semi cold running gear and head out the door. When you first step outside it is a little chilly but you know you will warm up nicely as you hit the 1/2 mile point. But when you turn the corner the wind cuts through like a knife and you realize you didn't take the wind into account. However you push on till you hit a little past the warm up point and you are shivering so bad your not sure you are running any more. So you turn around and go home.

Yep you guessed it that was me this morning. I was so cold when I got home I wasn't even sweating which is not normal for me. I sweat buckets while I'm running any distance. Tomorrow I will try again and hope the wind is not as harsh and wear more clothes. i can always take them off as I run but I can not put them on if I don't have them with me.

Below is my race schedule for the month of March! I am super excited about all of these. They most likely wont be PR's because I will be running alone but they give me something to work towards for the month. 

Friday March 1-Mommyrunfast 5K or 5 miler (we will see how I feel and what time I have to be at 

Saturday March 9- NWM 10K hopefully I can convince my Iron Man in training to do this with me.

Thursday March 14- ThePurpleGiraffe Race To Remember 5k

Thursday March 21- Fitness, Health, and happiness St. Patrick's Day 5 Miler

Everyone have a great Thursday! Are you racing this month?


1 comment:

  1. you've got a great march coming up!!

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